2014 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 4,000 times in 2014. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 3 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

The beauty of the beast: WIND TURBINES

Some look at wind farms and find them an ugly scar on an otherwise beautiful landscape. I disagree. I think they are grand, graceful, wonders of modern engineering and with every powerful rotation they are working to preserve the beauty of the natural surroundings in which they stand.

Wind farm in Cumbria, UK, which came under attack from residents who claim it ruins the landscape.

Wind turbines are a great source of renewable energy, but they are not the correct solution for anywhere and everywhere. In this post I am looking at what factors influence the suitability and feasability of Wind Turbines.

The first thing to consider is the SUITABILITY. What is the annual average wind speed in the proposed location? If data suggests thats the average is LESS that 4.5m/s (meters per second), then the context is actually not suitable and one should consider and alternative such as Solar PV.

Next consideration is a location for the turbine. There are a few factors that influence how well the turbine will work in a given context. Buildings and trees disrupt that passage of wind causing turbulence which has a negative impact of the efficiency of the turbine (see image below. Source). The ideal setting is the top of a rounded hill which is why you often see the very large turbines in rural settings on a high point or out at sea.

Screen shot 2014-12-11 at 11.52.37

Wind speed also increases with height so the higher the better. There is a limit to this of course – building control may have regulations that govern the maximum height of turbines – particularly in urban settings. Also, one needs to consider the cost and ease of maintenance with a taller installation.

The turbine should be installed to face prevailing winds. Work out what these are in the specific context. The turbines have some flexibility around their pivot point but for maximum benefit, position them carefully.

There are some useful calculations or ratios to consider (Source: Energy Savings Trust):

  • The power available from the wind is related to the cube of the wind speed. So a 20% increase in wind results in double the power output
  • The power output of the turbine equates to the square of the diameter of the rotary blades. So a 20% increase in diameter will give you 44% more power.

Have you ever seen a turbine or group of turbines and they dont seem to be working even though there is some wind… well that is because turbines work to minimum and maximum wind speeds. The CUT IN speed refers to the minimum speed that the wind must be for the blades to start rotating and generating electricity. The smaller the turbine the earlier the cut in speed. So a small 500W turbine may cut in at 3.5m/s but the very large industrial ones will start around 10m/s.

Power output graph for a small turbine

As shown in the graph above, there is also a CUT OUT speed. Turbines have an in-built braking system to protect the motor from over-use and strain. For domestic / smaller turbines (typically 500W – 25kW) cut out speed is around 25m/s. Look out for the maximum design wind speed which should be around 50 – 60m/s. These are rare gust speeds but turbines must be designed to withstand such forces.


Every turbine will advertise a RATED / PEAK OUTPUT. It will come as a 1500kW Turbine for example. What this is essentially saying is that at an ideal wind speed of x, you will get 1500kW of power. The system should say what the wind speed is for the rated output – in the case of the 1500kW Turbine, it may be 12m/s.

In reality, the wind will not blow consistently at 12m/s. One can expect about 25% to 30% of the theoretical rated output. To use the example of the 1.5kW Turbine with rated speed of 12m/s. The theoretical output is 13 150 kWh/yr (1.5kW x 8760hrs), when in actual fact due to fluctuations in the wind (even if the annual average is 12m/s) as well as inefficiencies such as turbulance –  30% of that is your likely yeild = 4000kWh/yr. This is why one must be careful not to size the system based on the rated output but take into account the annual average wind speed and allow for inefficiencies. The average American household consumes 10 000kWh/yr (28kWh/day) (Source) so this 1.5kW turbine would only provide 40% of the demand. They might thus consider a larger 3kW system if budget and site restrictions allow.

An oversized system may be very lucrative where excess electricity is fed back to the national grid, generating money. This is demonstrated in the example below:

A 250-kW turbine installed at the elementary school in Spirit Lake, Iowa, provides an average of 350,000 kWh of electricity per year, more than is necessary for the 53,000-square-foot school. Excess electricity fed into the local utility system earned the school $25,000 in its first five years of operation. The school uses electricity from the utility at times when the wind does not blow. This project has been so successful that the Spirit Lake school district has since installed a second turbine with a capacity of 750 kW. (Source)

Two types of turbines

Payback periods are determined if you work out the annual savings (cost of electricy / kWh) relative to the cost of the installation and maintenance. If you are able to generate money by feeding excess energy back to the grid this will definately improve the feasability as the payback period deminishes.

In rural settings it may be both suitable and feasible to install a larger turbine to feed a group of houses – a 25kW Turbine might provide ample power for 5-8 houses. Due to it’s larger size it would be located further away where noise and visual disruption can be minimised.

Size of turbines according to rated power output


The AWP 3.7 from African Wind Power is one I came across on the web while browsing. It has a rotation diameter of 3700mm and would be suitable for domestic type usage.

The following graph is helpful to explain the relationship between wind speed and power output:

The peak output of 1.5kW is achieved at wind speed of 12m/s. Cut in speed is shown at around 2.5m/s.

Furthermore, the manufacture notes that the predicted energy yield per day for differing wind speeds is as follows:

  • 4m/s = 8kWh/day
  • 5m/s = 12kWh/day
  • 6m/s = 20kWh/day



  • Renewable energy source
  • low CO2 emmisions
  • Can generate money if feeding back to national grid
  • Free energy once payback period is expired


  • Not suitable for areas with wind speed less than 4.5m/s
  • Not suitable for densely populated areas (turbulance = inefficient wind speed)
  • Initial cost is expensive
  • Can be noisy – whirring of blades and buzzing of generator
  • If fixed to roof of building, vibration can be annoying


Interesting fact – Cape Denison in Antarctica is the windiest place on earth with annual average wind speed of 20m/s. Joburg, Cape Town and Durban are 4.5m/s, 6m/s & 5m/s respectively.

Annual wind data for major South African cities. Data locations at airports
Annual wind data for major South African cities. Data locations at airports

For useful weather data for South Africa visit: Windfinder

For more technical detail and calculations visit: www.wind-power-program.com

Article about scientific response to claims that wind turbines make people sick: Discover

The power of community: Diébédo Francis Kéré

“Architecture is much more than art. And it is by far more than just building buildings”

There are few architects that are as humble and community-focused as Francis Kere. He is an absolute inspiration to me. The son of a Chief, Kere had the rare opportunity to be educated from the age of 7. He was sent far from his home in Gando, to join 150 other children in a basic school, where he excelled. He was awarded a scholarship to study Architecture in Berlin, Germany.

Aerial view of Gando village in Burkina Faso.

Kere recalls how the women in his village would give him their last pennies when he would return to school from holidays. A deep sign of affection, these women wanted to support his education in the hope that he would be able to use his knowledge to benefit the community in the future. This had a deep impact of the young man, and he carried the hope of his community with him throughout his education. While still a student in Berlin, he started drawing up plans for a new school for Gando and set about fundraising amongst his peers and further a-feild. He eventually returned with $50000.00 to start work.

Drawings of the Primary School

In a TED talk he explains how the community were thrilled at his proposal for the school but they were shocked that he would use clay as a primary building material. Clay is the typical building material for the huts in Burkina Faso and the villagers were hoping that Kere would propose building components like one would find in flashy cities. But it is precisely Kere’s solution for buildings that hit the bulls-eye of sustainable architecture. Use locally abundant building materials, & techniques that can be taught to the community who will be the ones to do the work. Not only does this keep costs manageable but there are almost zero carbon emissions and the buildings respond well to the context and climate. (Despite the durability of the clay walls, they do need to be protected from the heavy rains, by wide overhangs of the roof.)

The school building. Kere’s first project in Gando.

Clay is used in the form of compacted bricks, and compacted floors:

Local women using wooden bats to compact the clay floors

Steel rods (typically used as rebar in concrete) span between beams that hold the clay brick roof:

Internal view of a class room. The steel rods viable on the ceiling. Colourful timber shutters exclude unwanted solar gain while allowing the passage of air to keep the interior cool.

An elegant but brilliantly functional floating roof of corrugated iron acts as a sun umbrella, shading the building below from the direct solar energy, while allowing ventilation in the void below to remove hot air. This passive cooling strategy proves highly affective at regulating the indoor temperature.

The floating roof keeps direct sun off the building below and allows the flow of air in the void below to assist cooling.
Climatic section . Source.

The children love the building and it has aged very well.

Village children outside their school. Children that previously had little / no hope of learning to read and write, now have an exciting future of opportunities ahead of them.

The success of the school enabled Kere to embark on other projects in Gando and beyond. An extension to the school saw the use of an arch of clay bricks where Kere had to physically demonstrate the safety of the rather fanciful looking structure. It survived when Kere jumped up and down on the top and his community was satisfied!

Construction of the arch / vaulted ceiling that Kere introduced to Gando.
Beautifully curving roof introduced a new engineering tecnique to the village

Another beautiful project is the Library. Again, using local craftmanship, clay pots were sawn in half and cast into a concrete roof slab.

Women from the village bring their handiwork to the site
The men get ready to pour the concrete slab around the claypots

The affect is beautiful. Mottled natural light as well as escape points for hot air.

Natural light fills the interior

Clay walls have excellent thermal mass which is idea for hot climates. The walls slow the passage of heat from outside to inside, but this is further assisted where the walls are shaded by wide eaves / roof overhangs.

Community participation is key to sustainability

Francis Kere has definitely delivered on the hope held by his community. Not only has he seen it that they have beautiful buildings to improve the lives of the Gando people, but he has brought skills to the men and women who are now eligible to work on other projects around the country. Kere has won a number of awards for his buildings, while utterly deserved, it is clear that winning awards is not the reason Kere does what he does… it is to give back, and to improve the lives of the people he loves.

A worthy hero. Diébédo Francis Kéré.

This is Sustainable Design in action. It is truly beautiful and I am totally inspired!

See more Kere Architecture HERE, I will be writing more posts on his other projects in the future.

Teachers Housing, Gando


External Article: ‘Is it time for the Anti-LEED’

I have been toying with the idea of becoming a LEED Accredited Professional and looking at the benefits of the time and money that it requires. This is an illuminating article on the pitfalls of the system which I found very interesting…

LEED works well if you’re a wealthy person building within a Northern city. But that probably includes about 1% of the world’s population. We need a green building rating system for the rest of us.

Read the article on ARCHDAILY here.

Furthermore I found the reader’s comments entertaining and illuminating – I love the passionate expression!

I agree that LEED has moved out of the certification business and is focusing on education and accredidation. Like you, I am grossly disappointed. Having processed numerous LEED jobs it has become clear that the reviewers are based in India, have NO design or construction cridentials, and base their “review” on checklists that automatically spit-out comments compiled by lawyers who make their money being obscure. It’s a pitty that LEED went in this direction. I would have preferred a system that was streamlined enough to capture 10% of the market by now instead of a pathetic 0.5%. Fortunately, we have alternatives.

A much needed change. LEED has become the symbol of all that is wrong with sustainable building.

The LEED certification program is a massive, creativity-snuffing bureaucratic boondoggle and the enemy of intelligent & responsible site-specific and client-specific design.

I’ve never understood this rhetoric. No one rating system will be right for all different building types but LEED has helped to transform the industry and continues to do so. The USGBC is a consensus based organisation. If you think it should change, get involved. If you don’t believe in the system, don’t use it. And “gizmo green”??? Most of our highest achieving LEED certified projects have used the most passive of systems. In no way does LEED preference gizmoness. It’s not a secret that it doesn’t make sense for all projects, in all places, at all budgets. Nor does it guarantee performence. That doesn’t mean it’s not a useful system. Can’t we give this argument a rest and put our energy into improving the built environment in measurable ways?

Case Study _ UN CITY, Copenhagen

The building for UN CITY in Copenhagen was completed in 2013 and it boasts some impressive green building aspects.

Shaped as an 8 pointed star, the building houses 1700 staff in 9 departments. Architects 3XN ensured that energy efficiency was maximized by employing these clever solutions:
  • The central feature staircase connect the different wings of the building and encourages interaction among the staff… positive engagement and discussion is obviously a key component of the UN.

  • Reclaimed land – an artificial island on the harbor ensures that existing valuable greenfield land was not used.
Context: The 8 pointed star on reclaimed land
  • External aluminium solar shutter are controlled by workers from their computers. Perforations in the shutters ensure that daylight still permeates even as direct solar gain is excluded.
  • Sea water is pumped into the buildings network of pipes to COOL the building, which almost eliminates the need for any mechanical cooling.
  • A white recyclable membrane coats the roof which reflects solar gain to further assist cooling of the internal work environments

  • High U-values of building materials ensure that external envelope is well insulated.
  • Solar PV panels generate 297,000 kWh/yr. Approximately 1400 panels are located on the roof.

  • aerator taps reduce water usage
  • Rainwater is collected and used to flush toilets. Approximately 3000000 litres are collected annualy which is almost all the required water for the flushing of toilets.


  • low energy light fittings
  • daylight is maximized via open plan layouts, which also allow flexibility in function – future-proofing.
  • outside air is filtered for indoor use, regulating humidity and ensuring a constant fresh supply.
  • Chemicals and other pollutants are minimized through selection of construction and furniture materials.
Overall energy consumption is incredibly low at 50kWh/m2. When compared with the average commercial building consumption in the UK, this is exceptionally good:
Energy use indices (EUIs) for good practice and typical examples of the four office types (Source)
Energy use indices (EUIs) for good practice and typical examples of the four office types (Source)
UN City would classify in the catogory number 4 – Prestige, air-conditioned which suggests typical consumtion of 560kWh/m2/yr, or good practice of 350kWh/m2/yr.
The building is LEED Platinum certified and was awarded the European Commision’s Green Building Award in 2012.

Copenhagen, Denmark
Client: FN Byen (Copenhagen Port & City Development)
Gross Floor Area: 52.000 m2
Cost of Construction: 134.000.000 Euros
Architects: 3XN
Interior Design: PLH / UN Common Services
Contractor: E. Pihl & Son
Landscape: Schønherr

Travel Special: Kefalonia, Greece

We have just returned from a dreamy week on the Island of Kefalonia in Greece. There is much about the island that makes for interesting contextual analysis of buildings and the how they suit the climate and way of life on the island.



A typically Mediterranean climate with hot dry summers (up to 35C) and cold wet winters (lows of 6C). These extremes typically mean that cooling and solar-exclusion is required in the summer and heating and solar-inclusion is required in the colder months.


Residents on the island make a living though various industries – in the thriving tourist trade (hotels, restaurants, shops, excursions); or farming olives – beautiful old trees have been tended for literally thousands of years; wine making; farming of crops, goats, sheep and some cattle.

Fishing village and Tourism hotspot - ASSOS. (Source: Nathan Palmer)
Fishing village and Tourism hotspot – ASSOS. (Source: Nathan Palmer)

Living off the land is quite common as the island yields all sorts, from vegetables to olives, honey and animal products – fish & goats being most abundant.


Ferries link some of the key town on the island as well as to other local islands. There is a basic bus service on the island which is particularly helpful for the islands many aged folk.

Offloading of a ferry from Kefalonia


As tourists, we needed to hire a car to get around, or take taxis and the bus routes are limited and buses quite infrequent.


Wind power:

I noticed that a number of buildings did have solar thermal panels to make use of the abundant solar energy, and a few had domestic scale wind turbines.

EDF Energies Nouvelles have a 30MW wind farm positioned on the hilly centreparts of the island which seemed to be constantly active.  The company owns 90% with the remaining 10% held privately.  (Source)


Wind farm in Kefalonia
Wind farm in Kefalonia

Now I don’t have access to the efficiency of the wind farm but if I was to say that the wind conditions for optimum yield of electricity was only good half of the time (quite possible over a year), the 30MW farm would generate: 4380hrs x 30MW = 131 400MWh.

Assuming an average annual consumption per capita of 5500kWh, this farm supplies enough energy for almost 24000 people. Given that the island has around 33000 inhabitants, this is a good effort towards a completely green energy solution.

What my calculations don’t consider are the number of tourists that occupy the island over the summer, and also the non-domestic energy use of the island. But this at least gives one an idea of how the output of this wind farm may be used.

Solar farms:

There are a few solar electric farms on the island which I would guess are privately owned by hotels to service the needs of these buildings. Especially relevant as the months with the greatest energy demand – tourist season, correlate with the months of greatest solar irradience – long hot summer days.

Further reading –

Thesis on domestic energy consumption in Greece

Power and energy consumption explained


Kefalonia is prone to tremors and earthquakes and a particularly devastating earthquake in 1953 reduced almost all buildings to rubble (save for the northern village of Fiscado). Since then building have to withstand tremors up to 7.5 on the richter scale. As such, most of the buildings are now built in a concrete bunker style. Strong concrete structure with clay brick infill.


The island is an abundance of lightly coloured sandstone. It was this stone that historically provided the base for all structures and many of these are still visible as ruins around the island.

One of many building ruins on the island following a series of devastating earthquakes in 1953
One of many building ruins on the island following a series of devastating earthquakes in 1953

The stone is still used in modern construction but generally only as cladding or as retaining walls. It is beautiful the way it just roots the buildings to the island though. Golden, authentic, abundant.

Original stone house typical of pre-1953 construction
Original stone house typical of pre-1953 construction

Walls and roofs are typically UNINSULATED, relying on the building materials for all regulation of indoor temperature.

ROOFING: Terracotta tiles on timber substructure

WALLS: Concrete structure with clay brick infill

FLOORS: Concrete floor slab

WINDOWS: Double glazed in aluminium frames


Most houses have external shutters which are perfect for excluding the harsh summer sun even before it enters the building. Adjustable louvers are useful to allow natural ventilation through the dwelling.

Most modern buildings have double glazed windows as a defense against the cold. With temperatures as low as 6C.

By way of a bit of a case study, I will elaborate on the design and construction of the hotel we stayed in LEIVATHO HOTEL, on the South West of the Island. The hotel received the Architectural award for best building in Greece during 2011/2012.

Award winning Leivatho Hotel
Award winning Leivatho Hotel

 Leivatho Hotel’s commitment to the environment is reflected in the water management, its recycling policy including composting, the use of organic locally produced food and the use of solar energy for water heating. A water recycling system cleans shower and bath water purely biomechanically and produces water which is re-used in the toilet and garden. Water consumption is lowered by up to 50%, which combined with the local flora contributes towards the conservation of a precious natural resource.

Eco- friendly food is served in an ever changing morning buffet, focusing on local specialties and products. Leivatho Hotel also uses 100% cotton linen and offers natural bulk soaps and amenities to its guests. – Hotel Website


Particular sustainable design features I noticed:

  • Local workforce used during construction.
  • Materials sourced locally where possible – use of Island stone & concrete
  • Double glazed windows to shield against the cold and to retain coll air-conditioned air during summer
  • Thermal massing of concrete and stone regulates internal temperature. Particularly cood for natural cooling in summer, but also retains mechanical cooled and heated air well.
  • The airconditioning will not activate unless all windows are firmly shut
  • key-card to activate electricity and this is all switched off when no one is home
  • Shaded balconies also shade windows to kitchen and living areas
  • Local produced use in hotel meals – herbs and vegetables
  • Air curtains to all main building doorways
  • Beautiful gardens encourage an abundance of animal and insect life
  • Gardens are irrigated only at night when evaporation is minimized
  • Roof garden over main building
  • All toilet paper is binned rather than flushed (a system used all over the island). Toilet tissue can be recycled and the treatment of sewage is thus simplified greatly.
  • Hotel serves local community through employment


Opportunities for further energy and resource efficiency:

  • Rainwater collection and reuse. The zinc roofing is perfect for rainwater collection. Wet winters and sudden heavy downpours the rest of the year could definitely be sequestered and stored for garden irrigation and filtered for laundry use or toilet flushing.
  • External shutters. I noticed quite a few retro-fitted blinds to windows in the main building which suggest a bit of an oversight here. The contemporary design of the abnormally shaped windows make solar control difficult. Another solution would be to use horizontal external shading.
  • Ceiling fans could be used for cooling in the spring and autumn where it is not so hot that air-conditioning is necessary but some additional cooling source would be good to assist thermal comfort. Occupants may well just use the air-con when it is not actually necessary but this obviously has a much great carbon emission level that a fan.

Kefalonia is a beautiful island with warm, friendly people. The lifestyle is relaxed and the land seems to produce much of what is required to sustain life on the island without putting it’s resources under stress. I am encouraged to see that renewable energy options are on the increase, and the simplicity of the lifestyle reminds us tourists that we do not need much to live comfortably and happily. I definitely hope to return one day!


Strawbale Construction

As a waste product from Agriculture, haybales make a great sustainable building material. Haybales have excellent insulating properties and make for a very pleasing, organic finished result. Thatched roofs are common around the world so it was initially  suprising to me that using haybales for walls is not more common. This is largely possible due to the fact that the mechanization that resulted and straw-baling formation only came about in the 1850’s!

Original haybale construction in Nebraska

The first documented haybale building was a school in Nebraska dating back to 1902. When the cows started to nibble at it, the builders decided the plaster the walls. Following this, numerous haybale buildings sprouted up in the area.


Haybale walls tick the sustainability box for a number of reasons:

Renewable: Crops are grown every year and fast growing

Waste product: Apart from animal food, hay is a waste product from crop farming. A field of 1 hectare can produce between 4 and 6 tonnes of straw annually. An average size house requires around 10 hectares. Given that the UK has around 2 million hetares of crops, that is a lot of house material!

Low-embodied energy: Haybale construction should generally be used in areas where the hay can be sourced locally. This results is very short delivery / transportation which keeps carbon emissions down.

High insulation: the great insulation properties will reduce energy bills and improve thermal comfort as indoor temperatures are regulated.

Non-toxic and vapour permeable: bale walls have no off-gassing and allow a healthy passage of air which prevents mould growth.

Haybales are treated much like over-sized bricks. Organised in a running bond, the bales are tied together using re-bar of bamboo or timber, or covered with a mesh. This can then be plastered with a lime, cement or clay based render.


Plastering of walls protects the straw and neatens the finished wall
Using mesh as a support for the plastering

A solid foundation is generally used, onto which the bales are placed. A moisture resistant membrane should be placed between the bales and the foundation.

Example detail of wall at foundation and window
Deatil of ‘Hoks Strawbale house’ which achieve a LEED Gold certification

The bales can be used as the structure of the building, or as the insulative infill to a steel / timber frame structure. A field bale will generally support 900kg per linear meter but it is possible to get highly compressed bales for greater structural loads, that can support up to 6000kg per linear meter.

Bale infill to timber structure

‘Balehaus’ is a project of the University of Bath, where prefabricated panels with hay infill where fitted together and rendered with a breathable lime-based plaster. More about the ModCell concept here.

BALEHAUS by Modcell

Haybale walls have very low thermal conductivity making them a great source of insulation. Thermal consuctivity of wheat is about 0.06 W/mk. For a bale wall 475mm thick this would achieve \ U-value of 0.123W/m2K. This exceeds the passivhaus requirement of 0.15w/m2K for walls.

Temperature test on a warmer day
Temperature testing on a cold day

Because the haybale walls are plastered, this prevents the unwanted concerns of rats and mice / fire damage / water ingress. It is important that a good covering of plaster is used – around 25mm thick. If looked after, haybale walls can last for centuries.

Strawbale construction is perfect for cold enviroments

The NBS has now incorporated a guideline specification for Strawbale construction: http://www.thenbs.com/topics/Environment/articles/StrawBaleConstruction.asp



The beauty of Rammed Earth

There is something about rammed earth walls that really appeals to me. The rich colour and texture of the compacted earth links the building so well with the natural surrounds – from which the soil should ideally come. The solid bulk of the walls has an anchoring, permanent effect that connects well with the concept of ‘Sheltar’. Rammed earth has been used for millenia as a solid, durable and thermally massive.

Traditional rammed earth construction in North Africa
Rammed earth construction in modern design

It may also be surprising to you that this type of construction has been used on all continents. It was to me… I would have thought that very wet climates would not be suitable but if the walls are sealed and internal reinforcements, such as bamboo, are used, the walls can last for centuries. Reinforcing the walls is also important for areas prone to earthquakes.

Timber reinforcement to rammed earth walls
The composition of rammed earth walls are a damp mixture of earth (containing gravel, sand and clay). Lime is frequently used as a stabilizer, historically animal blood was used, and in modern times cement is often favored. In an effort to used waste as a construction material, one could also add bits of old tyres and glass to create variety and texture.
More recently, rammed earth walls are often build off of concrete foundations to provide a more durable base. 
Technical diagram showing rammed earth foundation on conventional footing
So how is the wall actually constructed? Well shuttering is created using plywood or metal panels. These are clamped together a set distance apart to avoid bulging. Them the earthy mixtured is added 10 – 25mm thickness at a time, and compressed to roughly half the original height. This is what results in the lovely horizontal lines that are typical of rammed earth walls. 
Rammed earth wall texture
Construction should be undertaken in the summer to maximize the warmth that assists the drying out of the walls. The curing process can take up to two years but the walls will be pretty rock hard almost as soon as the shuttering is removed.
Wall construction steps
In wet climates, the walls should be suitably covered with wide eaves or used internally, this is because over time, rain will erode the walls.
Technical detail at eaves
The process is labour intensive as each layer is physically ‘rammed’ into place. The cost though are very low and this is why it has been a favored method of construction around the world. Although it is not a strong as concrete, it achieves compressive strengths of about 4.3Mpa which is more than suitable for domestic buildings.
Rammed wall construction in progress
Rammed earth walls have a low embodied energy as almost all the material required should be sourced from the site, and unless a mechanically operated tamper is used to compress the soil, no electrical source is required.
The beautiful finish looks fantastic in modern construction, as natural as it does in very basic, traditional construction.
Contemporary design using rammed walls
In addition to the energy efficient, low-carbon construction, the thermal mass helps to regulate indoor temperature. Particularly good for hot climates as the external heat is absorbed into the thick walls and released to the cool night sky. For cold climates, insulation such as xpanded or extruded polystryrene will be good to retain warmth inside the building.
Layer of insulation in rammed wall. Good practice in colder climates.
The natural colours of the earth make for a beautiful finish

LCT: Greywater systems

1 in 3 people (2.5 billion of the worlds population) do not have access to safe water and sanitation. Source: (wateraid.org). As demand for water increases, it is increasingly difficult to maintain the supplies of water to meet the needs of a growing population. On average, a person will use 150 litres per day (see graph below). Sustainable design guidelines recommend that fittings and fixtures reduce this to 80l/p/d through the installation of dual flush toilets and low flow taps and showers. One of the best options is to make use of greywater systems. In areas like the UK where there is high rainfall almost all the year round,greywater systems are less common than drier climates where, in my opinion, it should be a crime not to have a waterrecycling system in every building.

Greywater systems effectively collect wastewater from baths / showers / wash hand basins and washing machines, and use this water to flush toilets and irrigate gardens. (Waste water from toilets and kitchen sinks is classified as BLACK water and must be heavily treated prior to reuse).

Greywater systems collect water and filter it through a series of stages. A septic tank of sorts contains the water and allows solids to settle, while the ‘overflow’ is then filtered – gravel and bentonite clay are some common filtration stages. Thus particles are removed and the filtered water is pumped out for irrigation or into a toilet cistern.

The following list is sourced from www.greywatersystems.co.za :

The pros are:

  • Higher savings for everyone
  • Good and continuous irrigation
  • Food supply is not interrupted
  • Gardening and farm irrigation reduced to minimal or zero costs
  • Demand for fresh water decreases
  • Lower pumping and treatment costs

The cons are:

  • Greywater cannot be stored for long or the nutrients in it will break down and it will start to smell bad.
  • Quality of water may be different with high levels of boron that can destroy crop and plants
  • If vegetables irrigated with contaminated water is eaten raw, it will cause health problems like diarrhoea
  • Transmission of some infectious diseases through toxic chemicals from the used water to plants
  • Too much nitrogen, sodium, and boron which could cause soil to degrade and groundwater to be contaminated


Systems like the MATALA  have in-built pads that filter the water and require no chemical treatments. UV light is used as an effective but environmentally harmless way to kill bacteria.

I do love the simplicity of the SINK POSITIVE…  This is clever design!

Problems associated with Airtight buildings

Last post I looked at the importance of airtightness when it comes to low-carbon buildings. The lower the air infiltration, the greater the thermal comfort and less heating or cooling required to keep the indoor temperature comfortable.

The dangers of air-tight buildings are three-fold:


  • reduced fresh air into the building results in high CO2 levels which is bad for health


  • warm, moist air internally – as a result of breathing / laundry/ bathing etc – cools on external walls and windows and causes condensation and mould growth

Diagram showing moisture within walls

Common sight at well sealed window frames as moist warm air cools when coming into contact with cold surface of external openings

External wall details showing typical problems due to moisture

 External wall details showing typical problems due to moisture (A,B&C) and ideal solution (D)

    • Highly insulated and air-tight buildings are susceptible to overheating in the summer. The Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers / Arup Study defines WARM as 25C and HOT as 28C. Designers must consider this to allow for natural ventilation solutions that incorporate opening windows and roof vents to encourage cross ventilation and stack-effect.

Older buildings often make use of air-bricks high up on external walls so that warm, moist air can escape and allow fresh air into the building. But this totally conflicts with the intention of restriction indoor – outdoor air flow to preserve indoor temperature. Air-bricks are useful where the difference between indoor and outdoor temperature is not massive, for example climates where artificial heating or cooling is not generally used. Windows typically have trickle-vents incorporated into the frames to assist with the exhaust of moist air, but these also let unwanted cold air inside.

Victorian houses were actually designed and made to be quite leaky (rattling sash windows and open floor boards) to allow the smoke from coal fires to escape in an attempt to keep air healthy, however, thermal comfort was poor due to the draughty interiors and they were expensive to heat.

There is now a serious effort to retrofit these buildings to improve air-tightness and increase building envelope insulation.

Where mechanical heating and / or cooling is required, air-tightness is vital to energy efficiency and thermal comfort. The best way of ensuring good air quality (low CO2 levels) and good humidity levels (below 60%) is to make use of MVHR – mechanical ventilation and heat recovery system.  It is also worth noting that the MVHR can be switched OFF in the summer months to allow occupants to open windows and doors to naturally ventilate the building.

Schematic of MVHR installation

MVHR is only really necessary with air change rates of less than 4 per hour. However, I live in an apartment that has about 8 air changes per hour and while we have not issue with CO2 levels – typically 1000ppm, we have a big problem with humidity levels and condensation. In winter we use a de-humidifier permanently to control moisture levels. In summer we open the windows and the natural ventilation works just fine.

In summary, designers should design air-tight buildings but must consider efficient ventilation heat recovery systems which work to ensure healthy fresh air levels and extract moist air from kitchens and bathrooms to discourage mould growth. These should be commissioned properly before occupation and filter cleaned regularly. It is also imperative that the design considers good passive ventilation during summer months when the MVHR unit can be switched off.


  • Zero Carbon Hub published a ‘Practical Guide to building Air-tight buildings’
  • Useful article here… ‘Build tight, ventilate right’
  • Mould growth and high humidity levels are a very common problem for buildings in cold climates and increasingly uncovered as an issue in modern renovated or new airtight buildings. This article…  describes a situation in America where an office building was renovated to improve air-tightness but it because a party ground for mould growth and resulted in the building being shut down and occupants relocated due to the hazardous air quality.


  • Aereco, a french compancy that specialises in humidity sensitive ventilation systems, uses sensor technology to switch on an off depending on humidity levels. This works well to conserve energy but ensure good air quality too. 
  • MVHR system from Green building store

Love the earth. Love people. Love architecture.